Hi all, I'm new to the classic computing hobby, but I recently
purchased a DEC rack with exactly this thing it. Heavy stuff, but
mine's a lot less 'minty'. Not running on anything yet. Scared to turn
it on, to be honest. At least holding it off until I've cleaned it :)
IMHO, it;'s a very good idea not to just plug things inot the mains nsee
what happens.
What I do is :
1) Take ebverything apaart that it is reasonable to dismantle. Obviously
I don;'t open up HDAs, But I would remvoe the logic board from the
outside of a hard disk unit at htis point. Make lots of notes as to what
oes where, and how everything is conencted.
2) A complete visual inspection. Look for damaged or burnt parts, odd
screws, etc that are waitring to find somethign to short out, things like
that. Check that any fuses are the correct rating, and are not wrapped in
aluminium foil or similar (!).
3) Cheack the mains earthing (preferebly at a fairly high test current)
and, if you have an insulation tester, check the earth leakage.
4) The bit I get flaemd for soemtimes. Connect a summy load to the PSU
(car bulbs -- 6V and 12V -- are useful for this) and run the power supply
on its onw. Check the output voltages, Check for excessinve ripple if you
have a 'scope.
5) Reassamble, power up, and see what needs fixing. At this point you may
have genuine faults to find, but you won't have done any more daamge to
the machine.