The field guide lists the M7676 as if it was a single board
T11, perhaps like Megan's "PDP laptop" from the VCFe.
Anybody ever seen a M7676 / KXT11 ?
Yes, that sounds like the Falcon SBC, aka
the KXT11, which
indeed is a single board computer based on the T11 chipset.
The SBC, KXT11-AA and -AB are single-board to the extent that
they have the CPU, boot code, memory, clock, a couple of serial
lines all on-board. The only thing they don't have is a
mass storage interface.
I don't know what the 'laptop' I have has in it, I have been
unable to successfully open it completely for examination. I
think there is a hidden screw I have yet to find and remove.
One of these days, however...