Dead from Atlanta, GA and DC. This is actually causing an outage of
[company I work for]'s Development site. It's jrun (spit) based, and hit
the dirt an hour or so ago. I'd been trying for several hours to
download java for my pc as I'd uninstalled mozilla and needed it for
On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 02:05:51PM -0800, Patrick Rigney wrote:
OK, from all of the responses I've received, some
private, about half of you
cannot, and about half can. As it turns out, I can access it from my data
center, but not from my offices. For those of you who are into this kind of
thing, it's a bigger issue than just not being able to get the web site:
many XML documents used by various products (EJB containers, for example)
make reference to DTDs and other resources on, so the site not
being connectible causes some XML parsers to fail validation because the
DTD/resource can't be loaded, and thus those web services go down with the
Sun ship (yes, I know you can disable validation in the parser, but that's
IFF the application in control allows you to do so...). What a pain.
Things were so much simpler in 4K. Ah well. Thanks for everyone's
assistance. --Patrick