The Computing Service here at York still has one DEC LG01 printer in
use, but it's going offline for the last time at the end of this week.
Rather than wheel it out to the skip, we'd prefer to see it go to
someone who can use it. It's free to anyone who can collect it from
York in the near future, and we should have some paper and spare
ribbons as well.
It you don't know what an LG01 is, it's a large heavy-duty fast
(600lpm) 132-column dot-matrix tractor-feed printer in an integral
soundproofing enclosure (floor-standing). We use(d) it for admin and
finance reports, and multipart forms, originally on a VAX but now on
one of our Alphas. It's been under a maintenance contract until
recently, and it's in very good condition.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York