Don't know about cheapest, but it's one. I doubt you'll find
anything under $100 simply because making small runs of PCI cards is
expensive (multi-layer, beveled slot edge, none-rectangular route).
Google has a number of hits for "pci fpga prototype".
Somewhere I swear I saw a PCI card that had a minimal FPGA for the
bus interface, and a reasonable prototyping area. It struck me as odd
that someone would want to use 0.1" centered proto area, since there are
very few chips one would want to use on a PCI bus that are available in DIP.
<URL: >
Chuck Guzis wrote:
Most of the PCI prototyping boards that I've seen
are either outrageously
expensive or absolutely bare (i.e. no interface logic at all)--and still
not that inexpensive.
Does anyone know of a reasonable (<$100) PCI prototyping kit with a
reasonable amount of interface logic built on?