I'm curious enough to take a look at it if I
see it on the bookstore
shelves, but I'd want to see it before making the commitment.
I realy don't know if this book will hit the big shops soon.
Also, 30 Bucks is less than the average Harry Potter thing .)
the valuation data is based solely or primarily on eBay data and/or
hobbyist opinion, then it would be failing to acknowledge a serious
segment of the market, ie the commercial market in "out of production",
"end of life" computer components. If that sector's data is not
then I would feel the data to be "skewed."
Now, I'm very suspicious about any kind of apraisal data. Prices
for old gear are just random. As for what I can tell the ranges
given in the book are in belivable ranges - well, maybe the C64
starts out to high (3-35 /5-40 USD) ... the lower limit for C64s
is still a quater :)
Still, probably many good
pictures for identification purposes, and good technical data?
VCF Europa 4.0 am 03./04. Mai 2003 in Muenchen