I'm writing you because I saw a message in
classiccmp.org about Atari
those who own Atari TT030 workstations, I have finally gotten a
disk with Atari's version of Unix System V on it running along with a
diskette with setboot.prg utility that sets the nvram in the TT030's to
recognize and boot from the Unix Hard Disk.
If anyone is interested, I can make ghost images of the 300MB SCSI
hard disk
for you. One word of caution, according the Atari engineer who
wrote Atari
Unix, it does not work on all TT030's. Some of the units had bugs and
issues, most came back into Atari's service center where the -33
were replaced with slower 16mhz CPU's, so while I will guarantee that
image works, I cannot guarantee if your TT will have a problem or
not. So
far I've tried it out with 3 TT's and they all work. Also Atari
Unix will
recognize Riebl VME ethernet cards and set them as /dev/en0 so you
can hook
the TT up to the internet directly. I personally am going to see if
I can
get Apache to work on the TT as it would be great to run a website for
Atari's on an actual Atari computer.
If you want a copy, I need a 300mb SCSI HD to Ghost the image to and
you pay
shipping to and from me.
The sender email was no longer available so I'm writing in the
- hope it is ok.
I didn't know the Atari UNIX release recognize any ethernet device, but
since Riebl will work
I'm going to buy a TT and the network adapter. Can someone who got the
image upload it and give me a information about restoring it on a hard
drive( is it obligatory at any cost to be a 300MB hdd )?