It's hard to justify accepting - but at the same
time the museum is the
logical first port of call for anyone looking for a Computer Shopper mag (for
whatever reason). Having scans of them all solves the problems nicely...
I think it would be iorresponsible to accept something like this and then
scan it and not ensure it then went to a 'good home'. I don't feel that
scans are a replacement for the original docuements (They are a lot
better than nothing, but I'd still rather have the originals of stuff
that I am interested in).
Some donors, including myself would be very upset if they heard that
their donations had been scanned and not preserved in the paper form, and
would probably never donate anything again.
As a second issue, perhaps it's just me, but I find it very difficult to
'flip through' scanned documents in the same way that I can flip through
the paper form. Something like this, which, I assume, is not going to be
indexed, is going to be very difficult to use as a scan.