Thanks for the info, Tony. That did the trick. I was able to soak the key
stalks in a cleaner which loosened them up enough to be removed (with some
Excellent. I assume the rest of the machine works correctly (logic faults
are hard to trace at the best of times -- the machien is very
unconventional in its design, and scheamtics for the -A are, AFAIK,
totally unobtaianble, either original or reverse-engineered).
I supect your card reader roller will be decayed. The rubber tyre was
origianly 1" (outside) diameter, with a flat on it to make it easier to
insert the card. A plain roudn roller will work, you can force the cards
in. Makign and fitting one is not trivial though, I can tell you what i
did on mine if you like.