I am wondering whether it is possible to replace the ailing Sony 3.5"
disc drives in both my HP9122D and HP9133H HP-IB units with PC 3.5"
These are the older Sony 3/4 height units with separate data & power
connectors, model OA-D32W-10 (double sided). The data connector has 26
pins. The power connector is standard 4 pin.
I located the pin-outs for these drives on a Japanese site, and found
that I could match all but 3 signals to a 'standard' 3.5" disc drive:
1 Motor On -----> 10 /MOTEA - 0=Motor Enable
Drive 0
2 Drive Select 0 -----> 14 /DRVSB - Drive Select 0
3 Disk Change -----> 34 /DSKCHG - 1=Disk Change/0=Ready
4 Drive Select 1 -----> 12 /DRVSB - Drive Select 1
5 Disk Change Reset -----> ????
6 Direction Select -----> 18 /DIR - 0=Direction Select
7 GND -----> GND
8 Step -----> 20 /Step - 0=Head Step
9 GND -----> GND
10 Write Data -----> 22 /WDATE - Write Data
11 GND -----> GND
12 Write Gate -----> 24 /WGATE - Floppy Write Enable,
0=Write Gate
13 GND -----> GND
14 Head Read -----> ????
15 GND -----> GND
16 Head Select -----> 32 /SIDE1 - 0=Head Select
17 GND -----> GND
18 Index -----> 8 /Index - 0=Index
19 GND -----> GND
20 Track 00 -----> 26 /TRK00 - 0=Track 00
21 GND -----> GND
22 Write Protected -----> 28 /WPT - 0=Write Protect
23 GND -----> GND
24 Read Data -----> 30 /RDATA - Read Data
25 GND -----> GND
26 Ready -----> ????
Is such a retro-fitting exercise possible? One possible problem could be
the rotational speed; I know the Sony drives spun at 600rpm as opposed
to the PC standard 300rpm... Any comments and/or suggestions about the
feasibility, as well as matching the signals of pins 5, 14, and 26?