On 2/8/2015 6:28 PM, jwsmobile wrote:
On 2/8/2015 6:03 PM, Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 02/08/2015 05:50 PM, Jules Richardson wrote:
On 02/08/2015 07:18 PM, Chuck Guzis wrote:
Magtape filesystems have been around since the
1950s at least, and
the 50s.
Wasn't there at least one which used good ol' VHS video tape as the
storage medium? And by good, I mean bad.
Yeah, I had one of those--just an ISA card with some connectors. It
was S-L-O-W and not terribly reliable. I don't recall who made it.
Alpha Micro made a card that did backups to VHS.
Corvus had a thing called the bank, and I think they also had a gizmo
to do the tape backup to video tape. The Bank device was just a
product they did for whatever reason.
I have a case of Bank tapes somewhere and a backup device. The
interface was a Corvus network connection.
Following up with a link to some book with a reference about AMOS tape
Not sure how to get this mangled mess thru to people from the google
books link, but here is the search and the book reference:
alpha micro tape backup
"Encyclopedia of Microcomputers: Volume 1 - Access Methods to Assembly
Language and Assemblers", Allen Kent, James G. Williams October 1, 1987
And a monument to the ridiculous way that books are priced, CRC
publishing wants $306.90US for a copy.