On Fri, 5 Aug 2011 18:37:59 +0100 (BST)
ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell) wrote:
My point (and I am being pedantic I suppose) is that
this is not an SPC
slot. It's a special slot for the console controller.
OK. Lets say it is a SPC
slot with some special, non-standard signals
added. ;-)
A logic probe is very useful,but bve warned it
doesn't give the full
story. The prove will tell you if a clock is running, or if a data line
is stuck high or low,
That is the exact thing I need for simple, basic tests.
but if it shows a signal as changing, it tells you
nothing abotu the timing of that signal. That;s what you use the 'scope
of logic analyser for (and yes, I have been cuaght by this...)
Sure. I am well
aware of this.
That sounds like noise at the switching frequency. My
guess is that it
means the output capacitor (IIRC the second-largest one in the module)
oin the 5V regualor brick is developing a high ESR. Probably worth
testing/replacing it.
That's my thought too.