On 1/12/05 15:11, "Cini, Richard" <Richard.Cini at wachovia.com> wrote:
I'm thinking of ditching Windows
totally on my desktop at home
as I build my next upgraded x86-bsed PC. So, I wanted to take a poll of the
group for a recommendation on which Linux distro to use. I downloaded Fedora
Core, Slackware, FreeBSD, Unbuntu and Linspire.
By now you'll have read the 'there's no such thing as best' replies :)
I started with Slackware and turbolinux in 98 or 99, then went for RedHat
7.1 because it seemed more manageable to me, but an online update to 7.3
broke it horribly and took ages for me to fix it so when I changed servers I
went for SuSE and I've been using that ever since. Without KDE running it
just ticks over on a 733 PIII (compaq ML350).
Desktop-wise most of the distros try to point you in the direction of Gnome
or KDE; I preferred the way Gnome looked but KDE is better if you want a
windows-r-us type desktop.
I've had a Knoppix based live CD for ages now in use as a troubleshooting
tool for misbehaving windows boxes, but with the arrival of a 512mb USB key
I rooted around for a distro that was still full featured but would install
on said key and I ended up with SLAX -
www.slax.org. Slackware based and
designed to be fully modular so you can put apps in the modules directory
and they'll install at boot time, when you don't need them any more just
remove them. Nice desktop too, based on KDE 3.4 I think. With that and
OpenOffice V2 you've got a very good desktop peecee replacement.
(Jules, there's at least one wrapper for GiMP V2.x that makes it look like
Photoshop, it's called GiMPshop.....)
At home now I'm using a Mac Mini; my peecee only gets turned on these days
to watch TV :)