Rumor has it that William Donzelli may have mentioned
these words:
Perhaps I
just have less faith than you in the technology being
available in
20 years to probe inside modern systems to figure out how they work
and keep
them running :-)
Do you think that tools will not evolve in 20 years?
Short answer: No. ;-)
Heck, you can't get schematics, technical information, or anything on
most newer hardware now, so one would need to reverse-engineer almost
everything; and the tools that do evolve that are necessary to work on
even today's stuff (fast oscilloscopes, etc.) are priced out of the
hobbyist's pocketbook.
That's fine for hobbyist-oriented stuff, but there have always been
times when hobbyists have used mil-spec stuff. I don't think tools will
ever disappear completely in the military realm.
Peace... Sridhar