Where were you a few years ago when I was looking
for a home for my Burroughs software & manuals (didn't
run across this list at the time though). After 10 years
or so programming these babies (L/TC/B80&90) I'd
accumulated pretty well every piece of firmware, utility
& app software there was, but then (as now) there wasn't
much interest in what most people (unfairly, in my biased
opinion) derided as "just" an accounting machine (you
haven't lived 'till you've played Lunar Lander with
a golfball printer...)
Unlike the mainframes, these machines were generally
sold outright & therefore scrapped outside of Burroughs,
so there were lots of them around.
Finally sold the hard disk carts to a rebuilder,
recycled the floppies & tossed the mylar tapes
& manuals.
HOWEVER, I do still have an electrical parts
catalogue from 1972, a little early for the B80,
but might have some of those chips from the
TC listed; if you're interested, send me a couple
of part numbers off list & I'll see if they're listed
and it's worth while scanning it for ya.
If size vs computing power were a criterion,
there wouldn't be very many old mainframes in
Sridhar's collection...
And yes, rugged indeed; extremely reliable, aside
from the occasional head crash. Alas, many of
them were disembowelled & ended up as desks
or workbenches.
As mentioned elsewhere, I also still have a digital
cassette drive & tapes with who knows what on
them (for the L/TC's), as well as a TD700 flat-
screen display unit & controller for the B80, if
anybody's interested.
----------------Original Message-----------------
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 17:44:21 +0100
From: "Sipke de Wal" <sipke(a)wxs.nl>
Subject: Re: Burroughs - any information?
I did obtain about 5 TC5500 consoles and a B80
back in the '80.
They were rather large for their computing power
and no software was obtainable so I scrapped them.
I still have a couple of kilo's TTL-chips from them, with
their own Burroughs legacy partnumbers.
Very rugged design though!
Maybe you could get some old "B" hardeware but
software was out of the question.
Sipke de Wal