Thanks for all the information everyone. I'm
really looking into everything
now, as far as building a computer from an off the shelf CPU such as a Z80
or 6502. One thing that has occurred to me is that I will likely need an
EPROM Burner. Where can I get such a device for a modern PC?
The logic needed to program a modern EPROM (from 2716 onward) is pretty
simple and straight-forward. A simple EPROM programmer is another useful
and easy to build project. I have a design with software somewhere on my
commercial site - it's more than you need, with a keypad/display so that
it can run stand-alone, but you could borrow the programming algorithms
from it (or just read the data sheets) to build up a
simple PC controlled
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: