On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 11:00 PM, <arcarlini at iee.org> wrote:
Rick Thornquist [rickthornquist at
gmail.com] wrote:
Tim -
Wow, that's great! ?That's exactly what I'm looking for.
- Rick
On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Shoppa, Tim
<tshoppa at wmata.com> wrote:
Way back
in 1980, Infocom posted an ad in the September 1980 issue
of the DECUS Mini-Tasker (the DECUS RT-11 SIG newsletter). This was
the first ad the Infocom ever produced and I'd like to get a scan
of it for the book. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find
anyone who kept this newsletter. ?I've contacted a number of people
in the DEC community but still no luck. ?Someone pointed me to this
forum and said there might be someone here who could help.
John Dundas has this up on the web at:
> er/mt06-4.pdf
> You want the bottom of page 47.
I've tried to reach that site before and failed: it?s still failing for
me now,
although I assume it must have worked for Rick (and presumably Tim).
I assume that I'm in a range of blocked IP addresses: does it work for
anyone else in the UK? (Does anyone have a mirror?)
arcarlini at
Doesn't work for the Netherlands as well. It's an .edu right? Why
would it block anything at all?
Kind regards,
Sander Reiche
~ UNIX is basically a simple operating system,
? ? ? ? ? ?but you have to be a genius to understand its simplicity. ~ dmr