I have the following early mid 1980s Multibus 1 cards that are closing
Sunday on ebay. The sale number is following the item.
Sun 2 Multibus 68010 CPU Card, 1983 8776175837
Sun Multibus 1/4" Tape Controller Card, 1982 8776357220
Systech Multibus Mag Tape Controller, 850/1650BPI 8776370593
Xylogics 450 Multibus One SMD Drive controller 8776228165
Or search for seller innfosale
They are Sun 2 cards from a Parallel Computer in the 1980s. The tape
controllers are from the same system. There has been some interest in
Sun 2 lately and I finally found these.
Astoria, Oregon
Paxton Hoag
Astoria, OR