On Sun, 19 Sep 2004, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> Gee, neither of the last two new computers that I purchased had
> floppy drives (and one of those is about 5 years old now). I'd say
> this is old news (and the PC world finally catching up with the rest
> of us). I can't even remember the last time I used a floppy drive.
I am wondering what removeable mass storage you have on your classics...
I still use them all the time. It's still the quickest and easiest way to
transfer files (that can fit on them of course).
So do I. You can't get CD-ROM burners for PERQs, HP71s, BBC Micros,
PDP11/45s, and so on. In fact I doubt if my PC would support a CD burner
either (I am sure the data rate of the burner would be far too fast for
my machine...)