> The reason for this OT message is that I almost
ruined my keyboard
> with coke when I read the product name. Romu means junk in Finnish,
> Romulator -> Junkulator -> Junk-U-Later.
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Richard
Erlacher wrote:
I assume you mean a modern keyboard, so I trust a
little hot water and soap will
fix the coke spill. The stuff is very corrosive, so don't delay in cleaning it
up. I normally use the spray nozzle on my kitchen sink and hold the keyboard
upside down so the water doesn't get into the switches (they're not waterproof).
I have always reassured my programming students that nothing that they
accidentally enter through the keyboard of their computers would actually
DAMAGE the computer. One wiseguy said, "I entered a Pepsi."
After Three Mile Island, Saturday Night Live postulated that it was caused
by "The Pepsi Syndrome", the result of spilling a Pepsi into a computer
Shortly after that, the U.S.A. and USSR (CCCP) normalized diplomatic
relations enough to import vodka and export Pepsi to Russia.
That was followed almost immediately by Chernobyl.
Surely that could not be coincidence!
Until their recent bailout, Apple computers ride into failure was with a
former Pepsi exedcutive at the helm.