Baud rate is anywhere from 110 to 9600 (a note in the manual states that
actual throughput is limited to 240 characters per second), 300 maximum
on the acoustic coupler (model 765). Parity is even, odd or mark. It
uses ASCII, CCITT; "seven-level, 11 bits per character including parity,
start, and two stop bits at 10 characters per second (110 baud); 10 bits
per character, including one stop bit at speeds above 10 characters per
second." Straight from the manual of the 763/765 Memory Terminals.
Tom Hickerson wrote:
I'm working with a device which has
poor documentation but it says the
printer port is compatible with
a TI Silent 700. Do you know
what baud rate, character length
and parity the Silent 700 used ?
Tom Hickerson