Michael Kerpan wrote:
I still monitor Freecycle but its been a while since
interesting has come up. When I joined, all kinds of cool stuff
ranging from old computers to film camera gear to the occasional short
film on actual 8 or 16mm film would pop up. For the last year or so,
the flow of cool has dried up and been replaced with old clothes
(mainly for babies and small children) and small household appliances.
Needless to say, I look forward to the day that the yuppie mom set
gets bored with Freecyle and moves on to ruin some other place. Maybe
Freecycle will become useful again at that point.
Economies everywhere are in the crapper, and everyone's looking to make a
quick buck these days - I suspect that a fair proportion of the stuff on my
local list gets snapped up by people who immediately list it on ebay.