Jules Richardson wrote:
On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 19:41 +0000, Adrian Graham
drives were used on the old Amstrad word processing
machines (forget the number - do any of the other UK members know?
They were (I think Hitachi) 3" drives that were going to be 'the next big
Yep, I remember them being 3" too. I hate to think how many drive belts
I've replaced on them when I worked for a repair place many years ago.
Hahaha... The belts themselves were expensive (nearly a fiver, in 1991
money!) but I found that there were a couple of belts in the Ferguson
Videostar 3V22/3V23 kit (?2.39 from CPC, less in quantity) that were
"good enough". Plus, you could always adjust it with the idler wheel to
get a bit more out.
Used to regularly do these for oil companies in Aberdeen. They survived
the harsh electrical environment of oilrigs extremely well.