On 13 Jan 2010 at 16:31, Evan Koblentz wrote:
> Hopefully the previous responder was only joking.
I was not joking. I am deadly serious.
No kidding! Forget the iron, keep the paper. If you *had* to
reconstruct one of these beasts, at least you'd have some reference
I am not convinced about that either.... Even though I collect just about
every service manual I can get my hands on, and know the value of good
docuemntatinon, I am not convinced it's easier to make the machine f rom
the schematics than the scheamtics from the machine.
I've traced out schematics of all sorts of devices over the years. For a
moderately complex macjhine, using nothing more than pen, paper,
multimeter and a good pile of databooks, it takes me a couple of weeks
Given the official schematics and programming data for ROMs, etc, it
would tkae me a lot longer than that to reconstruct the machine.