Dave, who in blazes said anything about "Mexicans", or "skin color"???
I would expect this from some pablum puking liberal intending to create schisms and
divisiveness where none existed. But not from you.
Oh well, live and learn.
I've known Brazilian people, face to face. Was even invited to stay at their home if I
ever visited (I expressed my interest in it).
I've had to be corrected about Brazilian language by Alexandre in the past, and went
ahead an made a joke of it. Multiple times. I hardly understand the response. Or the
apologies. We know there are ignorant hillbillies in the US. I might imagine even Brazil
has their own variety. Most countries would.
Have you been to Yugoslavia? They're white (mostly). Have you nearly gotten the ****
kicked out of you by someone w/an AK47 slung over their shoulder? Were you nearly drowned
on the beach when 3 of the locals endeavored to do so? Are Americans the only people who
exhibit ignorance??? Give me a break.
From: Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com>
On 10/10/2012 10:58 AM, Alexandre Souza - Listas wrote:
FLOPPIES??? Que voces vao fazer com tanto disquete assim?!
C: In englaise sil vous plaint. No sprekenzy deutsche! Nor espanolay.
? ? Pardon, mon signeur...I though it was a personal message :) Esto non
es espa?ol, pero que en Brasil hablamos el portuguese :)
? In our country, people think that the USA is the center of the world,
the biggest in the world, and the most important in the world.? Most
people here think EVERYONE whose skin is a shade darker than ours is
"Mexican", they all speak "Spanish", and they all eat "Mexican
? I can probably count on one hand the number of people here who realize
? 1. Portuguese is the primary language in Brazil
? 2. Brazil is almost exactly the same size as the USA
? 3. Brazil has about 2/3 as many citizens as the USA
? 4. Brazil's currency is NOT the Peso
? 5. Mexico is a part of North America
? It is very embarrassing sometimes. :-(? I'm a person who failed nearly
every course in high school, due to disinterest and a crappy system, and
even *I* know these things!
? I'm apologize for the way most of us are.? We are just clueless, and
we mean no disrespect. (well, most of us don't)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? -Dave
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA