Where can I find a list of INTs DOS uses? I checked a
couple of bookstores
but most of them aren't too helpful with low-level DOS.
There's a file floating about the net somewhere called "the interrupt
list". It's a comprehensive list of the ints used by PC software. I have
a very old copy saved somewhere; let me know if you can't find it. Warning;
it's huge.
Barring that, "Undocumented DOS" and "Dissecting DOS" are
the ones on my bookshelf. "Dissecting DOS" presents the source code
for a DOS clone in C. I'm not seeing "Undocumented DOS" at fatbrain,
though. "Dissecting DOS" is at
Looks like there are other interesting books as well, although I
don't know that I would buy them without getting a chance to look at
them first:
"Caldera DR-DOS Complete"
includes a CD-ROM that I would assume probably includes the source
code for the DR-DOS kernel. That's the sort of assumption I'd like to
check out by looking at the book before I plunk down my hard-earned
cash, though. On the other hand, I already have the source to the
DR-DOS kernel lying about...
Caldera _used_ to have almost all of the DR-DOS documentation online.
I'm not finding much now (I'm sure glad I downloaded a copy of it
while it was available; now if I can just figure out where I saved it...);
there's a page at
http://www.drdos.com/, but all it offers is a download
of a DOSEMU disk image for use under Linux.
"FreeDOS Kernel"
looks to be a competitor to "Dissecting DOS".
"Uninterrupted Interrupts"
appears to be a hardcopy of the famed "interrupt list".
Roger Ivie
Not speaking for TeraGlobal Communications Corporation