On Tuesday (01/28/2014 at 08:53AM -0800), Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 01/28/2014 07:03 AM, Chris Elmquist wrote:
On Monday (01/27/2014 at 12:33PM -0800), Chuck
Guzis wrote:
So what's the minimum temperature for an
ETA-10F--assuming that one
still exists?
Minimum storage temperature? :-)
I doubt that many have heard of Neil's baby. I'm sure there *was* a
minimum temperature of the N2 however. Thermal stresses with it
were bad enough at optimum temperature. I think I heard Neil use
the term "wet" nitrogen, implying something close to the boiling
Well, it was a totally closed-loop system with the gas taken off the top
of the cryostat, fed back through a cryogenerator to make liquid again and
unless there was a problem, the CPU(s) stayed entirely immersed in liquid.
I recall there being "issues" if boiling ever occured around the PCB as
the turbulance would start popping chips off the board...
I also recall them encountering unexpected issues with coax (for the
memory interface) that made the transition between liquid and gas because
the velocity factor of the coax changed at that liquid/gas interface,
causing an impedance bump that screwed up the signal. Whodda thought? :-)
Chris Elmquist