Having just looked at the Apple II Compact Flash interface link, it
suddenly dawned on me... I have stacks of Apple II disks that may be (or
heaven forbid already) passing their shelf life.
So, I figured the best place to start my quest for the best way to long
term store these disks, would be to ask the place most likely to have
people that have conquered this issue.
I have recently begun this project for all my old Mac disks (having just
come across a batch that have aged away). The Mac is WAY easier, I am
just making Disk Copy disk images, dumping those across the network, and
burning to CD.
What is the popular opinion on the best way to store Apple II disks long
term? Is there something similar to Disk Copy to make images? If so, what
is the best way to transfer those to a Mac or PC for burning to CD?
Things I have that *might* make my life easier: Super Serial card for
II+/IIe, A IIgs with both 5.25 and 3.5 drives, A IIe Emulator for the Mac
LC and a 5.25 drive for it. As well as a few II+, IIe, IIc, and IIgs
Any hints (or "this is the best way" instructions) greatly appreciated.
Be kind, my Apple II knowledge is rusty, it has been years since I used