It was thus said that the Great dwight once stated:
There has been so much PDP and other stuff lately I kind of feel out of place
asking about 6502 stuff.
Anyway, I've mentioned on the that QuickSort is not always the fastest
sort. So I wrote a 6502 assembly sort but don't have a machine big enough to test it
on. I've only got my KIM-1 just working.
I was hoping someone would like to help me out, possible a Commodore64,
maybe even a PET or Apple II.
It needs about 24 page zero bytes and about 5K of RAM.
It sorts 1K of 16bit integers.
Anyway, if someone would like to help, let me know. I've made several passes
through the code and believe it to be close to bug free but know I'm bound
to have a couple left.
See it as a challenge!
If you have a modern system, you could always download a 6502 emulator and
test it on that. Such a tactic wasn't even unheard of in the day---if I
recall correctly, that's how Gates & Co. tested their first BASIC---on an
emulated 8080.