On 04/17/2013 12:53 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
Teh 700 is perhaps not _quite_ so solid. It's
a Daiblo 630 chassis fitted
with a dot matrix head. And the cover is plastic. But it's still a lot
better than soem I could name.
Diablo also had a dot-matrix printer. Heavy, tractor-feed, insanely
noisy--used a couple of Rockwell MCUs. I don't recall the model number.
I used one for a couple of years and have never seen another.
The Sanders 700 is clerly a Diablo 630 chassi (there are unused mounting
holes, etc for the daiswheey mechanism) with Sanders electroncs/ The
printhead bits in place of the daisywheel motor, etc, it plugs into an
edge conenctor o nthe cariage. On the PCB for the printhead is a little
PROM that otnaisn the timing characteristings of that head (in the older
12/7 modelk, that PROM was on one of the circuit boards, it had a label
on it carryign the serial numebr of the head, you had to replace it if
you repalced the head).
Under the removeable cover, in front of the carriage, are 6 slots for the
font cartridges. The cartridges each cotnain a couple of EPROMs.
THe electroncs is based round a pair of Z8s (character input and
mechanism control) and a Z80 (comamnd procesing).