Via the Dayton Hamvention and Dan C., I now have a nice "new"
corporate cabinet for my 11/23+ and two RL02's, installed and
working. It came with an 874-D Remote Power Controller which I
would like to use as intended (i.e. turn everything on by flipping
the BA-11SA front panel power switch). That switch connects
directly to a 3-pin male Molex connector on the rear of the BA
chassis. The 874-D has several 3-pin female Molex connectors
labeled "DEC Power Bus".
Am I correct in assuming that I just need a 3-wire extension cable
between the BA chassis and one of those Power Bus connectors?
If so, is there a DEC part I should be looking for? If not, any
ideas which mating connectors to order (it's not critical that I
use factory original pieces)? The two connectors are not identical
families (the BA-11SA's connector is flat on one side and rounded
on the other; on the 874-D they are rectangular).
Thanks for any help.