Subject: Re: Z8530 (was Re: Navtel 9460 Protocol Analyzer info?)
From: "Eric Smith" <eric at>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 10:13:26 -0700 (PDT)
I think Allison meant that the 8530 had the DRQ/DACK
signals needed to
make it easily work with a DMA controller. Most simpler UART chips
didn't have those.
No Eric, when I said it had DMA I ment the bus master and the data
counters. Sheesh, I have disks near as old as me then drop more bits
but munging info like that is a major brain fart. Oh well least I
have the data books and the parts to correct myself.
Oh, along the way the 85C30 was a far better part.