On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Tom Moss <tomjmoss at googlemail.com> wrote:
What document did you try to open?
Trying to open /NextApps/Nexus.app/default.html or help.html, or
I've never used OmniWeb or Nexis, but my
experience with Mosaic and early
Netscape versions makes me think you'd have a hard time getting modern
pages to load without crashing.
Not yet connected to the Internet. Hope to get it connected up soon.
I should think that Lynx or the original Line Mode browser would be OK.
Hoping to get something a little more than Lynx or line mode, but at this
point, I'll take what I can get that works!
On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 1:42 PM, Tapley, Mark <mtapley at swri.edu> wrote:
Congratulations on the cool new system!
I have OmniWeb running on my non-turbo cube. It occasionally
crashes, but leaves the system up, and most sessions I get through with no
trouble. I?ll check version number tonight and update you.
How much memory is in your system?
How much disk space left?
There is a
distributed.net client - you can be the second NeXT
contributing to RC5-72:
But obviously, we need to get your browser playing first.
Thanks Mark! My system has 48 MB and around 650 MB left on the 1 GB HDD.
Excited about the possibility of contributing to RC5-72! I'll have to hook
up my less-than-good monitor if I'm going to leave it running for long
periods of time. Maybe I'll install a switch in there to turn off the
filament in the CRT when not in use. :)
On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Chris Osborn <fozztexx at fozztexx.com> wrote:
If you need a replacement icon for it, I made some a long time ago:
Those are awesome! Nice work. I'll be posting to /r/retrobattlestations
soon, by the way...maybe as soon as I can load
retro.hackaday.com or the