--- "J.C. Wren" <jcwren(a)jcwren.com> wrote:
Surely you're not telling me the FAA no longer
requires students to know
how to perform these functions manually, nor requires them to demonstrate
that knowledge?
I was not required to pull out an E6B during my oral exam or my check
ride for my private ticket (last year). I _was_ trained on it by my
instructor and he did require that I use it and not an electronic one for
my cross-country prep.
I don't have the FAR-AIM with me at work, but I'm pretty sure that the E6B
is not specifically mentioned as a required tool or item to have with you
in the cockpit. There are "catch-all" regs that say that the pilot is
responsible for knowing everything there is to know pertaining to safe
aircraft operation. Presumably, that's what you'd be guilty of if you
landed in a corn field because you didn't calculate the amount of fuel
burned by the headwinds stronger than forecast, especially if you had
an E6B with you but didn't know how to use it.
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