Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
Worcester is still within only a few hours of where
most of the potential
attendees will be coming from. I don't know how you east coast folks
perceive distance, but I've lived in California all my life and a 6-hour
drive from the San Francisco bay area to the Los Angeles area is no big
deal to me. I made the round-trip in one day a couple weekends ago to
pick up an old computer. Driving a couple to three hundred miles should
not be a major ordeal for most folks.
Driving in along the Northeast corridor (DC - Boston) is a royal pain! It
is not an enjoyable thing to do. The thought of being in a car for 6 hours
is not something I like. But then again, I'll be riding my bicycle from High
Point NJ (Northwest NJ) to Cape May (Southeast NJ) in a single day. So maybe
I'm not a good measure. ;-)
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