I have a prototype multitasking operating system in 6502 machine language
for the Atari 8-bit series machines. Might be useful if I get the gist of
what this topic is about. The main purpose was to run several BASIC
programs simultaniously and give each a timeslice. The timeslice for each
task is adjustable.
If true timeshareing is not required then I'd look to Tom Hunt for his
AMAZING program "SNAPSHOT". Snapshot swaps images of ram to disk and
produces the effect of multitasking but the tasks on disk are of course
halted.... It is incredibly compatible. Tom Hunt is a God on 6502. He
mainly wrote in ACTION! - a C-like language unique to the Atari from OSS
(Optimized System Software - they used to be Sheperdson Microsystems and
wrote Atari Basic in addition to many other things in the 8-bit world).
Action had the benefit of a runtime package for distribution and very fast
program execution when compared to most other languages for the Atari.
Action! programs ran at near machine code speed.
Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services
30 Greenwood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803
828-274-5781 0900-1800 weekdays
Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?