On Mon, 25 Nov 2013, Ethan Dicks wrote:
Okay. I grabbed some pictures and I think I've found the culprit(s).
I don't think that's any kind of potting compound and that doesn't look
like it should be there. I could be wrong, though.
That looks to me like hot melt glue, which is commonly used on SMPSU
boards to prevent components from moving. I think it's somesafety
requirmeent to prevnent mains-side and output-side components getting too
close to each other.
I have NO idea what that...deformed...thing was once, but it does not look
quite right. (directly behind the...transformer?)
The thing taht looks lik a transdroemr may well eb a bifilar-wound
indcutor, used as part of the mains supressor.
The melted thing is a capcitor (note the Cxxx marking on the PCB) and is
one of the typically antisocial ones that fails in interesting ways. It's
part of the mains filter. For testing, just remove it, the supply will
still work. Rmeplace it with a correctly-rated (designed for this
application) capacitor of the same value. They are not hard to get.
I don't normally approve of 'shotgun debugging', but when I find one
capcitor i na mains filter circuit has failed, I normally replace the
lot. Saves taking the case off again a couple of days later :-)