Ward Donald Griffiths III wrote:
Daniel A. Seagraves wrote:
[8" <> 3.5" conversion]
I may be able to do that... I have a working PDP-11 that handles 8" disks.
And if it was generated on a Tandy/Radio Shack System I can definitely
handle it -- and CP/M as well.
The problem with these vague requests is that if the requestor doesn't
know what it came from, he probably doesn't deserve the information.
As opposed to the many honest threads we've had on conversion between
TRS-80, Apple, Commode, Atari, Kaypro (and other 5.25 CP/M formats),
etc. Why doesn't the requestor know where it came from? Is he a
government agent who stole the data from a "suspect" (In .au now,
probably wants to read the records of a gun retailer to track down
the customers)?
I'm sure anyone involved in this sort of "governmental" influence has plenty
places to have the data swapped and put on a format that can be read. This is
probably someone that doesn't have access to an 8" drive and not a clue by the
what it contains. They probably found the disks laying in a box of giveaway stuff
somewhere. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
Phone: (502) 756-1749 Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
Email: rhblake(a)bbtel.com or rhblake(a)bigfoot.com
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