Recently I added a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A to my
collection. Since
< >then I also bought one in a off white or beige case
(I'm not sure what
< >you would call the color). Was the non-metal case version of the
< >TI-99/4A a later model? I also need to know if anyone has a schematic
< >for both of these models?
The sequance was the TI99/4 (chicklet keys), TI99/4a enhanced display and
real keyboard and the beige TI99/4a revised roms.
< The silver and black model is the original one. The beige, all plastic
< case is the later model. IIRC the later model has circuitry which preve
< it from running third party cartridges.
It was not a hardware change that I know of and I have several of the
black and later beige units. It is a firmware difference.