On Sun, 5 Oct 1997, Marvin wrote:
Take a look at the IBM tech reference manual as
one of them (don't
which one, XT?) does has schematics for theirs.
Also as far as trying
Are you sure? _None_ of my IBM TechRefs (I have : PC, XT, AT (2 vols), O&A
(2 vols), Scientific, EGA, PC-jr) have any PSU schematics at all. Well,
the PC-jr PSU card is there, as is the schematic of the professional
monitor PSU (the CGA monitor PSU is missing...).
I just checked and it may have been that the Professional monitor PS was the
one I used. From what I can remember (8 - 10 years ago), I had several IBM
power supplies that needed to be fixed and I searched through my tech refs
for a schematic. The one I found had an identical (or almost identical)
front end (before the transformer) and that gave me enough info to fix the