Jim Isbell, W5JAI wrote:
OK, I am listening, is there a way for me to identify
the different
messages from two different lists as they present themselves when
Gmail is opened. I dont consider sorting them into mail boxes a
viable method because then I have to go to each mail box individually
and sort them out there. I prefer just taking the list as it appears
(usually about 250 to 400 posts), hitting the "Mark ALL" key then
going down the left side and unmarking the few that I see where the
subject interests me. At the bottom I hit "Delete All" to delete all
those still left marked. Then I go back to look at the few I had
unmarked. Its simple and does not involve the possibility that I
might forget to check a particular "Box" or have to check ALL
to see which received mail after the sort.
Is this a web-based application?