I have been interested, of late, in fixing some of the bugs in MACRO.SAV
which the documentation shows also run under RSTS/E.
In addition to fixing the bug so that the year outputs as 4 digits on
the listing, I thought it
would be interesting to run MACRO.SAV as a system job. This requires a
RT-11 monitor to use VBGEXE.SAV to load and initiate MACRO.SAV since it is
obviously not an REL file.
However, the goal is to still be compatible running under RSTS/E. My
question is
how to distinguish between a mapped RT-11 monitor and RSTS/E? Does anyone
have sufficient information about the RSTS/E environment to be able to
RT-11 from RSTS/E?
TSX-PLUS is trivial since requesting the TSX-PLUS job number is not
under RT-11, so that problem is solved.
Jerome Fine