On 13 January 2014 17:35, emanuel stiebler <emu at e-bbes.com> wrote:
There is a guy in Germany, who just made a home brew
mc68008 SBC:
Ah ha! I was going to link to that in reply to Ethan's comment myself.
It looks like a very interesting design. I shudder to think what it
would have cost in the early-to-mid 1980s, though.
The QL was a very badly compromised design, sadly. A fascinating
machine, but almost every single design decision in it was wrong, in
IMHO, the QL done right - a 68000 home computer, built to a strict,
tight budget, using COTS parts and a largely COTS software stack - was
the Atari ST. The standard 8-bit sound chip, a standard PC floppy
controller, (I believe) PC-derived graphics chips etc. - and it was
still nearly twice the price of the QL at launch.
And Atari's sort of incremental launch strategy - the first public
prototypes with 256kB of RAM, the soft-loaded OS, the external
transformer and modulator and floppy, all gradually built in as the
machine grew into its final form... a good, sensible, if merely
pragmatic process. As opposed to Commodore's big-bang Amiga 1000 which
was too expensive for almost anyone at first, so that real mass market
sales had to wait on the cheaper, cut-down Amiga 500.
It's no irony that Tony Tebby eventually took the QL's OS onto the ST
as SMS2 and eventually SMSQ/E.
Liam Proven ? Profile:
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