What's the point in waiting till four hours (or
four days, or four
minutes or four seconds) before the end? If its not over your max then bid
ANYTIME. If you bid early, *friends* will see your bid and not bid against
you AND you don't have to worry about forgetting to bid.
Don't worry about friends, worry about the competition.
Yes, I check the bids of the competition, to see what they found and I
missed. I think I have some pretty good, well refined searches on Ebay,
but I am always spotting things the searches missed that the competition
did not.
By sniping, I can somewhat reduce my chances of having the competition do
the same to me. I have snuck thru a few awesome deals for things on Ebay,
perhaps due to not being spotted by others.
Yes, competition - the collecting world has always had it. Always
will. Live with it, it is part of the game.
William Donzelli
aw288 at