If you're a college student studying computer
science and
have never programmed in machine/assembler, turn in your
degree, it wasn't worth it.
I didn't do a computing-related degree, so I can only comment
based on what I saw of the Coumputing Studies dept. (or whatever
it was called), but programming as such had little to do with it.
Designing a good language (and deciding on a suitable definition
of "good"), examining the logic behind algorithms, program
verification systems: all of these you would find during your
Comp. Sci degree. But programming is only touched on briefly.
Much as I assume an architect needs to understand the arrangements
of bricks, mortar and other building materials that hang together
safely without necessarily having to glue them all together
So basically, stuff you'll hardly ever see done in real life,
deadline-critical jobs in the real world :-)