Here's a list of scrap dealers who buy obsolete computer equipment:
Windfield Alloy, Inc. Lawrence, MA 800-626-1230/508-689-2470 Local
ComService Enterprises, Brooklyn, NY 718-332-2300/718-332-4471 Fax
Silicon Salvage Inc, Anaheim, CA 714-523-2425/714-523-2552 Fax
Texas Recycling & Refining, Houston, TX 713-443-2070/713-443-3973 Fax
Iowa Electronic Recovery, 800-232-2591/319-337-9548 Fax
Metaltech, 800-435-8636/603-524-2873 Fax
EnviRoSYS, 800-PRO-JUNK, surplus(a)
Someone should organize contact with these folks so they don't get our
whole list calling and bothering them.