Doc Shipley wrote:
On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, Chad Fernandez wrote:
Hi All,
I've just been watching the TLC show about Hackers and Phone Freakers.
I don't work in the computer industry, so I don't hear many pronunciations.
Do you pronounce DEC as "Dee Eee Cee" or as "deck"? I've always
it "deck".
I've never heard anything but "deck". Of course, I live in Texas,
where proper English is a counter-survival trait.
Even in the Land of Proper English we 'deck,' for the most part. One of my old
bosses, however, insisted on the 'Dee Eee Cee' pronunciation, but he used to say
'Ess Cee Ess Eye' too, so he doesn't count...