On 9/14/05, Chris M <chrism3667 at yahoo.com> wrote:
Purpose: the investigate the possibility of modifying
a recent multisync to sync down to TV frequencies. Not
interlaced necessarily. Just to use a modern monitor
with stuph that operates between CGA and VGA
frequencies. Much obliged.
You best bet on this is to modify the input signal rather than the monitor
itself. The analog circuitry in modern monitors isn't all that hackable.
Devices that do signal conversion are called scan converters/line
doublers/flicker fixers. You can find video-VGA conversion boxes just about
anywhere. Also check for CGA-VGA converter boards (usually advertised as
being for arcade video games). If you really want to do it youself, you can
probably find a schematic online that will do the job. It takes some logic,
3 or 4 high speed ADCs (assuming you want color), some memory, and 3-DACs.
There are some chips that will do the whole job, but I don't know too much
about their capabilities and adaptable they are.