On 2/21/2011 7:58 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
Humm seems to me if you are the seller you'd be hapyest with whatever got
you the best price for the item you where selling, and as evryone seemed to
previously agree *NOT* sniping drives the price up.
Exactly. As a seller, I am
pissed off by snipers.
Hmm, I am a seller, and I don't feel that moved by it.
As I see it:
* I *chose* to offer my product there. I did my research, I know
how the system works. I thus agree to be bound by the "in play"
rules when I list my item.
* What works against me as a seller works for me as a buyer. Since
I use the system both ways, I find the balance equitable. Of
course, if you only sell, then this is not true.
It seems to me this discussion boils down to:
<insert online solution name> claims it is a <insert service type>, but
it allows <specified behavior> which is not allowed in a real <insert
service type>. Thus, <specified behavior> should be disallowed, as it
ruins the <insert service type> experience!
In this case, I think you'd have more luck starting a movement to have
eBay quit referring to itself as an auction site. In fact, I am not
absolutely sure if they actually do continue to refer to themselves that
way, but if they do, they'd probably be willing to quit, since they now
offer many more sales options.
Snipe away, I say!