A logic probe
is very useful,but bve warned it doesn't give the full
story. The prove will tell you if a clock is running, or if a data line
is stuck high or low,
That is the exact thing I need for simple, basic tests.
It is a very useful tool, sure (I use one all the time), provided that
(as with all test gear) you realise what its limitations are.
but if it shows a signal as changing, it tells
nothing abotu the timing of that signal. That;s what you use the 'scope
of logic analyser for (and yes, I have been cuaght by this...)
Sure. I am well
aware of this.
So was I, didn't stop me getting caught though...
Let me expalin. The machine in question was an HP9820 (as mentioned in my
otehr message). Now, with thse machines, I start by checkign the power
supplies (all rails fine), then the clock board (both the bit clock and
the microcode clock were running), and then I put enough of the machine
togethr for it to run (that is all 4 CPU board,s the memory unit and the
display board) and see what it's doing. Normally I strt with quick tests
to look for 'sillies', if that doesn't find the fualt I usea full-blown
logic analyser to trace the CPU microcode and see jsut what it is doing.
Anyway, as I mentioned in my previous message, it's bit-serial. There's a
16 bit shift register claled the 'M register' which does a conversion
from the serial CPU to the parallel memory address bus.
Bits from the CPU
are shifted into the MSB end of this register (as you'd
expect), and
after 16 clocks, there's a new address o nthe address bus. The outputs of
the M regiser are brouight out to pins on a test conenctor on top of the
memory box backplane, and I ran my logic probe over them. This showed
that the top 4 bits were all chaning, the bottl 12 bits were all stuck
Now, the M register is made up of 4 cascaded 4 bit shift register chips.
I decided based on taht that the chip handling bits 11..8 had failed so
that its ouptus were all stuck low . Therefroe the lower-order chips were
being laded with 0's all the time. So I desoldered the appropriate chip
on the memroy address PCB and replaced it. No change. Not just 'still
nothing on the display', but the M register outputs on the test connector
were still doing the same things -- top 4 changing, bottom 12 all 0's
Then I useda logic analyser. I found that yes, the top 4 bits were
changing, but the timing was craxzy, they were not just chaning on the
correct clock edge. It appeared they were not being latched at all. So in
fact the next shift register in the chain -- the one I'd replaced, always
had a 0 at its serial input when it was shifting. Hence its ouptus were
always 0
Out with the highest shift register chip in the M rwegister, and I
replaced it with the one I'd taken out from the next position and which I
guessed was good. It was. This time I got the correct display.
If I'd used a logic anaylser at the start I'd have found the fault first